The Amazing Childhood Days

“Finish your milk Reya… it’s going to be 10” called out her mother.

Little Reya realized the urgency in her mother’s voice and ran around the room, just for fun.
She liked it when her mother chased her with the glass of milk and Parle G biscuits, it happened everyday and she had her share of fun with her mom.

“Reya, don’t run… mommy will scold now, finish it or we’ll get late”.

Sundays were special, everyone was at home and at 10 everyone flocked near the television.

Reya finished her milk in one gulp before settling down in the living room in front of the television with the entire family and the house helps. Sunday morning when Mahabharat was aired on Dooradarshan, every single person was there in front of the television without fail. Reya looked at her grandmother sitting with folded hands.

She quickly sharpened her Nataraj dark pencil to write down the ‘shloka’ she had picked up from watching several episodes of Mahabharat – ‘Yada Yada hi Dharmasya, Glanir Bhavati Bharata, Abhyuthanam Adharmaysya, Tadatmanam Srijami Aham'.

Today it was no different, little Rohan was fussing over his morning milk and he was busy with his PSP, while Reya was watching the latest Mahabharat episode on Star Plus HD. It didn’t have the old charm, she felt.  Reya smiled when she remembered her childhood days.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Three words Prompts were - Parle G biscuits, Doordarshan, Nataraj dark pencil.

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