100 Word Story - ADIOS

It isn't Friday today, but I am in a mood for writing some tiny fiction. I missed this prompt from Rochelle last Friday. But since the linkly is still open I think I can go ahead and write on the photo prompt. 

In case you are not aware Rochelle gives a photo prompt every Friday and we need to weave a story around it within 100 words - thus the Friday Fictioneer

So let's not waste any more time and move on to the 100 word story.


Dax spent some moments alone in the car.

Where are we heading? Can I make it better? Questions crowded his mind as memories of their whirlwind romance kept coming back.

Hope it’ll be ok today, he thought before alighting with the groceries and entering the kitchen.

The kitchen looked painstakingly tidy. The vase had fresh flowers, not a single thing out of place, save for a folded letter.

What’s wrong!

‘I know it’s complicated. Managing the house after work is difficult. I can’t fight over it again. There isn’t much left between us. All the best. Adios,’ read the letter.

Photo Prompt -© Raina Ng

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This post is written for Friday Fictioneer hosted by Rochelle Wiseoff-Fields. Also linking it to UBC day 16

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